Draw.io configuration

Hello all, I am back with more news and small projects I’ve been up to.

This time it is a project related to what colors are available in the color picker in draw.io.

Before we get more into this, a quick summary of what draw.io is:

Draw.io is a free online diagram software for making flowcharts, process diagrams, org charts, UML, ER and network diagrams. It can also be downloaded, which is what I have in use at the moment.

Then to the plan and results

Now, normally the draw.io color picker looks something like this:

While these options are great for their variety, for this project I wanted a simpler assortment of colors, that I was already familiar with.

That is how I ended up configuring the colors to look like the options in PowerPoint.

This is how the colors look in PowerPoint, for ease of reference.

That is how I made the following plan of action:

And then had this as the end result:

Not the most elegant looking solution, but it did what I wanted it to.

But how did we get here?

Draw.io is interesting for how you are able to modify it.

From the research I have done, if you know what you’re doing, anything is configurable and can be done following this path:

Extras -> Configuration…

Then clicking on “Configuration..” will open this view:

And after entering the wanted JSON configuration, clicking apply and restarting the software, the changes will take effect.

In case anyone would want to try doing the same configuration I will embed what I used bellow:

  "defaultFonts": [
    "Times New Roman",
    "Comic Sans MS",
    "Courier New",
    "Lucida Console",
  "defaultColorSchemes": [
	[ null,	{ "fill": "#f5f5f5", "stroke": "#666666" },				{ "fill": "#dae8fc", "stroke": "#6c8ebf" },				{ "fill": "#d5e8d4", "stroke": "#82b366" },				{ "fill": "#ffe6cc", "stroke": "#d79b00" },				{ "fill": "#fff2cc", "stroke": "#d6b656" },				{ "fill": "#f8cecc", "stroke": "#b85450" },				{ "fill": "#e1d5e7", "stroke": "#9673a6" } ],
	[ null,	{ "fill": "#f5f5f5", "stroke": "#666666", "gradient": "#b3b3b3" },	{ "fill": "#dae8fc", "stroke": "#6c8ebf", "gradient": "#7ea6e0" },	{ "fill": "#d5e8d4", "stroke": "#82b366", "gradient": "#97d077" },	{ "fill": "#ffcd28", "stroke": "#d79b00", "gradient": "#ffa500" },	{ "fill": "#fff2cc", "stroke": "#d6b656", "gradient": "#ffd966" },	{ "fill": "#f8cecc", "stroke": "#b85450", "gradient": "#ea6b66" },	{ "fill": "#e6d0de", "stroke": "#996185", "gradient": "#d5739d" } ],
	[ null,	{ "fill": "#eeeeee", "stroke": "#36393d" },				{ "fill": "#f9f7ed", "stroke": "#36393d" },				{ "fill": "#ffcc99", "stroke": "#36393d" },				{ "fill": "#cce5ff", "stroke": "#36393d" },				{ "fill": "#ffff88", "stroke": "#36393d" },				{ "fill": "#cdeb8b", "stroke": "#36393d" },				{ "fill": "#ffcccc", "stroke": "#36393d" } ]
  "presetColors": [
	"none",		"C00000",	"FF0000",	"FFC002",	"FFFF00",	"92D050",	"00B050",	"00B0F0",	"0070C0",	"002060",	"7030A0",	"none",
	"none",		"C00000",	"FF0000",	"FFC002",	"FFFF00",	"92D050",	"00B050",	"00B0F0",	"0070C0",	"002060",	"7030A0",	"none"
  "defaultColors": [
	"none",		"FFFFFF",	"000000",	"E7E6E6",	"44546A",	"5B9BD5",	"ED7D31",	"A5A5A5",	"FFC000",	"4472C4",	"70AD47",	"none",
	"none",		"F2F2F2",	"7F7F7F",	"D0CECE",	"D6DCE5",	"DEEBF7",	"FBE5D6",	"EDEDED",	"FFF2CC",	"DAE3F3",	"E2F0D9",	"none",
	"none",		"D9D9D9",	"595959",	"AFABAB",	"ADB9CA",	"BDD7EE",	"F8CBAD",	"DBDBDB",	"FFE699",	"B4C7E7",	"C5E0B4",	"none",
	"none",		"BFBFBF",	"404040",	"767171",	"8497B0",	"9DC3E6",	"F4B183",	"C9C9C9",	"FFD966",	"8FAADC",	"A9D18E",	"none",
	"none",		"A6A6A6",	"262626",	"3B3838",	"333F50",	"2E75B6",	"C55A11",	"7C7C7C",	"BF9000",	"2F5597",	"548235",	"none",
	"none",		"7E7E7E",	"0D0D0D",	"181717",	"222A35",	"1F4E79",	"843C0C",	"525252",	"7F6000",	"203864",	"385723",	"none",
	"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",
	"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",
	"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",
	"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none",		"none"
  "defaultLibraries": "general;images;uml;er;bpmn;flowchart;basic;arrows2",
  "colorNames": {
	"FFFFFF": "White",		"F2F2F2": "White, Darker 5%",		"D9D9D9": "White, Darker 15%",		"BFBFBF": "White, Darker 25%",		"A6A6A6": "White, Darker 35%",		"7E7E7E": "White, Darker 50%",
	"000000": "Black",		"7F7F7F": "Black, Lighter 50%",		"595959": "Black, Lighter 35%",		"404040": "Black, Lighter 25%",		"262626": "Black, Lighter 15%",		"0D0D0D": "Black, Lighter 5%",
	"E7E6E6": "Light Gray",		"D0CECE": "Light Gray, Darker 10%",	"AFABAB": "Light Gray, Darker 25%",	"767171": "Light Gray, Darker 50%",	"3B3838": "Light Gray, Darker 75%",	"181717": "Light Gray, Darker 90%",
	"44546A": "Gray Blue",		"D6DCE5": "Gray Blue, Lighter 80%",	"ADB9CA": "Gray Blue, Lighter 60%",	"8497B0": "Gray Blue, Lighter 40%",	"333F50": "Gray Blue, Darker 25%",	"222A35": "Gray Blue, Darker 50%",
	"5B9BD5": "Light Blue",		"DEEBF7": "Light Blue, Lighter 80%",	"BDD7EE": "Light Blue, Lighter 60%",	"9DC3E6": "Light Blue, Lighter 40%",	"2E75B6": "Light Blue, Darker 25%",	"1F4E79": "Light Blue, Darker 50%",
	"ED7D31": "Dark Orange",	"FBE5D6": "Dark Orange, Lighter 80%",	"F8CBAD": "Dark Orange, Lighter 60%",	"F4B183": "Dark Orange, Lighter 40%",	"C55A11": "Dark Orange, Darker 25%",	"843C0C": "Dark Orange, Darker 50%",
	"A5A5A5": "Dark Gray",		"EDEDED": "Dark Gray, Lighter 80%",	"DBDBDB": " Dark Gray, Lighter 60%",	"C9C9C9": "Dark Gray, Lighter 40%",	"7C7C7C": "Dark Gray, Darker 25%",	"525252": "Dark Gray, Darker 50%",
	"FFC000": "Gold",		"FFF2CC": "Gold, Lighter 80%",		"FFE699": "Gold, Lighter 60%",		"FFD966": "Gold, Lighter 40%",		"BF9000": "Gold, Darker 25%",		"7F6000": "Gold, Darker 50%",
	"4472C4": "Blue",		"DAE3F3": "Blue, Lighter 80%",		"B4C7E7": "Blue, Lighter 60%",		"8FAADC": "Blue, Lighter 40%",		"2F5597": "Blue, Darker 25%",		"203864": "Blue, Darker 50%",
	"70AD47": "Forest Green",	"E2F0D9": "Forest Green, Lighter 80%",	"C5E0B4": "Forest Green, Lighter 60%",	"A9D18E": "Forest Green, Lighter 40%",	"548235": "Forest Green, Darker 25%",	"385723": "Forest Green, Darker 50%",
	"C00000": "Dark Red",
	"FF0000": "Red",
	"FFC002": "Orange",
	"FFFF00": "Yellow",
	"92D050": "Light Green",
	"00B050": "Green",
	"00B0F0": "Sky Blue",
	"0070C0": "Navy Blue",
	"002060": "Dark Blue",
	"7030A0": "Purple"

Thank you all, that was it for this time.

Until next time!